1. A spontaneous public pronouncement of the joy of the moment, esp. as it relates to matters of family.

"This is the best trip I've ever taken!" was only Lynmar's first Brocklamation of the day; he dropped a handful more before the day was out.

The public utterance of an interior, celebratory thought. 

2. An independent production company that focuses on documentary and television production: A company founded by Christo Brock

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Christo Brock is the voice and mind behind Brocklamation Films—an American Producer, Director, and Editor best known for the iconic swim documentary Touch the Wall, the sports films Spirit of the Marathon and Hood to Coast, and the craft beer documentary Brewmance.

While working on Touch the Wall Christo developed system of independent production and distribution that involved crowdfunding, on-demand theatrical distribution, and direct audience interaction. A story about Olympic swimmers Missy Franklin and Kara Lynn Joyce, Touch the Wall had more than 500 screenings nationwide with an 80% sell-out rate. The film went on to screen on Oprah’s Winfrey’s OWN network and is available on iTunes, Amazon, and Netflix.

Brewmance follows three sets of accomplished home brewers who are looking to open their own breweries in the port town of Long Beach, California. The film is scheduled to debut in 2018.

Christo lives with this wife and son in Long Beach, California.